Raymond Y. Lin is dedicated to finding, designing, and implementing a clear path to successful solutions. There may be many paths through the forest, and I want to choose the one that fits you the best.

Bio Snapshot
- Principal, Raymond Y. Lin Advisors
- Partner, Mergers and Acquisitions – Latham & Watkins LLP 1992-2019
- Co-Head of the Private Equity Practice Group
- Chambers Listed (2006-Present), Private Equity, Capital Markets
- Investment Advisory Committee of the Innovate For Good Fund
- Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of the Appleseed Foundation
- Board of Directors of the Safe Passage Project and Missouri Appleseed
- Board of Visitors, Columbia Law School

Raymond Y. Lin Stands for Excellence
Big Deals
Raymond Y. Lin has a proven record of deal-making capability in complicated and multi-dimensional transactions. Ray's diverse legal representations in connection with Caesar's Entertainment were exemplary of his longstanding approach on behalf of clients; wrapping legal counsel and business advice together with managerial responsibility for a panoply of matters. He says, "I managed, and was intimately connected with litigation, bankruptcy, finance, M&A and corporate governance teams at my firm to create the strategies and ultimately effectuate the negotiated settlements of the Caesars bankruptcy and implemented the emergence from bankruptcy."
- Chambers & Partners – Private Equity, Capital Markets
- Legal 500 – Private Equity
- Who’s Who Legal Capital Markets
- Best Lawyers in America – Gaming
- Superlawyers – Mergers and Acquisitions
- National Law Journal Pro Bono Hot List 2013
Not for Sale, an international non-profit organization whose mission is to end human slavery honored Latham & Watkins LLP and acknowledged the leading lawyers heading the effort, at its inaugural gala reception in New York City on October 11, 2012.
David Batstone, President and Co-Founder of Not For Sale, presented Latham & Watkins with the 2012 Abolition Award in recognition of the firm's work on behalf of Not for Sale. Raymond Y. Lin was a leading force and one of the chief overseers of this project, helping to guide a team of attorneys and professional staff from the across firm's global offices on a wide range of matters, from setting up the organization's operations to supporting its international expansion, as well as advising Not for Sale on a number of specific initiatives including the launch of REBBL, a beverage social enterprise that combines ethically-sourced botanicals and ingredients to produce bottled beverages.
The Latham teams advised on the creation of this innovative social enterprise from its inception to product launch, including forming the company, drafting financing agreements, and providing general legal counsel. Through the product launch, Not for Sale was able to raise more than $150,000 to create community farms which will provide REBBL with ingredients to bottle their drinks and create sustainable food sources for communities across the globe. Lin notes that he was a passionate champion of these pro bono services.
Academic Credentials
- Columbia University School of Law J.D.
- Columbia Law Review Editor and Kent Scholar
- Law Clerk to Hon. Collins J. Seitz, US 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals
- Yale University B.S., cum laude, in Computer Science
- United States Presidential Scholar
A few years ago, David Batstone came to me with a fascinating idea – to remake the business model of philanthropy. David is one of the most inspirational leaders at the intersection of business and philanthropy. He is the founder of Not For Sale, a global non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating human trafficking, and he…